Srinivas Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan was a great Indian mathematician. He is counted among the greatest mathematicians of modern times.

Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887, in the village of Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, to a Brahmin family

His father worked as a sari store clerk, while his mother was a homemaker who sang at a neighboring temple.

He was the second Indian to become a member of the Royal Society and the first to become a member of Trinity College in Cambridge.

he made wonderful inventions in mathematics and simultaneously illuminated the name of India in the whole world.

Education of Shrinivas Ramanujan

His love for mathematics grew to the point where he ignored other disciplines. Math was the only subject solved in history, biology, and English classrooms.

Srinivasa Ramanujan discovery

– Wrote more than      3000 theorems. – Approximations to Pi and      modular equation – For five years in England, worked mostly in the subject of number theory.

Srinivasa Ramanujan number

– Ramanujan number is a natural      number can be represented in two different ways by the sum of the      cubes of two numbers. Example, {93+103=13+123=1729} – Ramanujan numbers are 1729,      4104, 20683, 39312, 40033 etc.

Ramanujan’s contribution

-Complex analysis,  -Number theory,  -Infinite series, and  Continued fractions.

Death of Srinivasa Ramanujan

At 32, Ramanujan died at Kumbakonam, India, on April 26, 1920. Hepatic amoebiasis, an intestine ailment, was most likely the cause of his death