The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo  in the late 1980s

25 Minute work,   5 Minute break

Pomodoro is very effective time management technique of doing any activity or task.

Pomodoro is Italian for tomato

Why to apply Pomodoro's time management technique 

1. Avoid Distraction

2. Make Consistently

3. Avoid lots of open-ended work

Pomodoro helps in

Pomodoro time management

1 Pomodoro =  25 Minutes focused work + 5 Minutes break

Pomodoro technique breakdown the task in to sun tasks for execution

After 4 Pomodoro

take break of 15-30 minute

STEP in Pomodoro technique


1. Select the task


2. Set a timer of 25 Minute

Remove all distraction, Switch off Mobile or electronic device,

Steps of Pomodoro technique


3. Focus on the task and do it for 25 minutes

STEP in Pomodoro technique

Make sure you do not get distracted

Steps of Pomodoro technique


4. Take break of 5 minutes


5. Repeat

After every 4 Pomodoro take longer break of 15-30 minutes breaks

STEP in Pomodoro technique

Why is Pomodoro so effective?

It is easy to get started

It is easy to break down the avoidance

It helps to break down big tasks or goals into something you only have to do for the next 25 minutes.

1 Day in Pomodoro

4 Pomodoro

20 Minute Coffee/tea Break

4 Pomodoro

30 Minute lunch Break

4 Pomodoro

20 Minute Walking Break

2 Pomodoro

How to maximise benefiits from Pomodoro

Plan for execution of the Activity

Focus on the Work and perform

Repeat the planned work to get the activity completed