What are Maslow's 5 hierarchy of needs?

What are Maslow's 5 hierarchy of needs? 

By Sahaj Gyan

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs 

It is a motivational theory in psychology

comprising a five-tier model of human needs,

Depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.

Largest, most fundamental needs at the bottom and the need for self actualization at the top

Maslow proposed five core needs form the basis for human behavioral motivation.

Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others.

Maslow stated that individual's behavior is depends on 5 categories of human needs

The needs are from bottom to upwards

Physiological (food and clothing),

Safety (job security),

Love and belonging needs (friendship),








1. Physiological needs are lower level needs of  Maslow's hierarchy.These are basic human survival needs like food  and water, sufficient rest, clothing and shelter, health, and  reproduction

2. Safety needs include protection from violence and theft, emotional stability and well-being,  health security, and financial security.

3. Love and belonging needs:    The third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of belongingness.

4. Esteem needs: The higher needs, beginning with esteem, are ego-driven needs.

5. Self-actualization needs:  describes the fulfillment of your full potential as a  person. Sometimes called self-fulfillment needs, self-actualization  needs occupy the highest spot on Maslow's pyramid

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